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In a Pinch, Boston Man Crashes Stolen Lobster Truck Into Another Lobster Truck

December 19, 2019 Admin 0 Comments

Three fresh lobsters laid out on a wooden surface. Insert crustacean wordplay here. | Photo: marla dawn studio/Shutterstock

Plus, McDonald’s new breakfast chicken sandwiches are coming in the new year, and more news to start your day

Thief’s hijacking of a lobster truck foiled when he crashes into another lobster truck

A Boston man is in hot water (HACHA!) after attempting to make off with a box truck carrying $10,000 worth of lobster.

The thief hijacked the truck just past midnight on Tuesday morning, when the overnight crew at wholesale dealer Buy New England Lobsters were loading the vehicle with a shipment of fresh Boston lobster bound for Europe, Boston magazine reports. According to a police report, employees at the lobster company’s warehouse immediately hopped into another lobster truck and gave chase, catching up with the suspect half a mile down the road, where he refused to stop and instead deliberately crashed his lobster truck into the second lobster truck.

The 29-year-old suspect, identified as a local South Boston man who has reportedly led the police on a car chase at least once before, was detained by the lobster company’s employees until law enforcement arrived to take him away. For his shellfish crime, he faces a number of charges, including receiving a stolen vehicle, assault and battery, and threats to commit harm.

“It’s probably the most Boston thing that’s ever happened,” Peter Lagorio, the sales and marketing manager at Buy New England Lobsters, told Boston. “It was a very Boston experience for everyone involved.”

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